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A patient’s behavior in the days leading up to their surgery can have a huge effect on the eventual results. The right preparation can reduce the risk of complications and make recovery a lot easier. Before any oral surgery, follow these tips to get the best possible outcome.


Talk to the Doctor About Pre-Surgery Instructions

Before the surgery, take time to discuss the procedure with the surgeon and ask for a list of pre-surgery instructions. This will typically include things like not eating or drinking for 10 hours before the surgery, and it is quite important to follow these rules. Otherwise the surgery may not be able to proceed. Talking to the doctor will make it far easier to be prepared.


Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Surgeons typically recommend that patients quit smoking and drinking alcohol in the weeks leading up to their surgery. This is important because smoking damages the circulatory system, making it harder to heal. Alcohol can affect blood pressure and immune system responses, potentially causing other complications during surgery. If at all possible, avoid using these substances before the surgery. Patients definitely cannot use these substances right after surgery, so going ahead and quitting beforehand will help prevent unpleasant withdrawal symptoms right during recovery.


Set Aside Time for Recovery

Patients should not assume that they will be able to go back in to work right after their procedure. Having time to take it easy and rest can speed up recovery. Those preparing for oral surgery may want to take time off work or schedule their appointment right before a weekend. Try to prepare a recovery space before the surgery. Make sure the home is neat and tidy, set up a comfortable bed, and stock up on foods that are comfortable to eat.


Get Help With Transport

For the majority of oral surgeries, the patient should arrange transportation for after the procedure. Depending on the type of anesthesia a person has, it may be unsafe for them to drive. Even if they just had topical anesthesia, discomfort and fatigue following the surgery will make driving difficult. If possible, patients should ask a friend or loved one to drive them home and assist with aftercare.