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Running a dental practice requires a lot more work than just performing dental procedures. You also have to know how to adjust to the needs of the patient. Dental anxiety is a serious issue that you will likely see on a regular basis. Conducting your practice in the right manner is the only way these scared patients will get the care they desperately need. These are the four best ways your dental practice can help put anxious patients at ease.

Create a Relaxing Environment

Most dental offices have bright lights and white walls. This creates a sterile environment that triggers dental anxiety. Painting the walls a soft tone will create a more welcoming setting. The patients will feel like they are at home instead of a dental practice. Eliminating the bright fluorescent lights needs to be another priority. Hot environments can also trigger anxiety, so you may need to turn down the thermostat.

Develop Personal Relationships

Proper communication and developing relationships is key when running a dental practice. Describe every single aspect of the procedure to the patient. Once this is done, you should discuss all of their fears. This discussion will help the patient realize you truly care about how they feel. It also gives you a chance to show off your professional knowledge. All of this should help put their mind at ease before their next appointment.

Provide Good Distractions

Nobody wants to sit in a quiet room waiting to see the dentist. This is just going to fuel a patient’s anxiety. The best way to keep the patient’s mind off of their upcoming procedure is by providing plenty of good distractions. Put a television and magazines in the front waiting room. Keep relaxing music playing in the exam rooms at all times. Releasing essential oils in the exam rooms can also help keep patients calm.

Sedation Dentistry

There are going to be some patients that are not going to be able to overcome their anxiety no matter what you do. Since these patients still need to undergo regular dental checkups, it is important to offer sedation dentistry. This involves giving the patient a mild sedative shortly before their procedure. Once the sedative starts working, the patient will become completely relaxed.