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Facebook is an invaluable tool for any business in the modern world. When utilized effectively, it can help spread positive press about your company and serve as a low-cost promotional tool.

Use Facebook as a community space

Facebook provides paid promotional services for your business, but if you’re just starting and are wary of spending money on a platform before you know if you’ll benefit from it, there are some easy steps you can take to promote your business on Facebook for free. The most important piece of advice to remember is that Facebook is a social space, so fostering a friendly, community-oriented environment on your page is essential. Make sure to engage with your followers; provide helpful content, encourage them to comment, and offer promotions and discounts on your page. This will add to the value of your page, and people who might not otherwise have known about your business may see their friends interacting with you. You should also make sure to engage with your customers by sharing their feedback and be an active part of your local community by interacting with other businesses on Facebook.

Strike the right tone

Remember that Facebook isn’t the place to ‘sell’ your company. If you are too aggressive in a space that people consider casual, you can annoy people into unfollowing or posting negatively about your business. Encourage people to engage with your page by posting regularly in a friendly, personal tone so that people feel more comfortable expressing themselves; this can be an excellent way to learn more about your customers and what they want from you. You can drive traffic to your page by linking to it from any other social media you have or including the page address on business cards and letterheads. 

Use Facebook’s tools

Facebook also has many different tools to foster engagement, including Facebook Live, Facebook Video, and Facebook Stories. Be creative and use all available tools for advertising your business; you can create a Facebook group relevant to your business to help build your community. Facebook ads are also an important element to consider if you’re struggling or want a greater influx of customers. The algorithm the site uses allows them to specifically target people who may need your services. 

As a resource, Facebook is most useful to businesses in its ability to foster long-term relationships with customers and consistently remind them of your services. Building a following organically takes patience, but the rewards are well worth the wait.