What is a dental merger?
A dental merger is when two or more dentists join forces to form a more prominent practice. This can benefit both the dentists and their patients, as the merged practice will be able to offer more services and better area coverage. Additionally, by working together, dentists will likely improve efficiency and coordination in their practices.
A dental merger’s benefits go beyond just improving patient care; research has also shown that mergers result in reduced costs due to increased economies of scale.
What is a dental acquisition?
A dental acquisition is a term used to describe purchasing any dental office, equipment, or land. This includes everything from small practices looking to expand their operations to large healthcare companies buying up local dentists to gain leverage in negotiations for healthcare contracts.
How do mergers and acquisitions happen in the dental industry?
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the dental industry can happen in several ways, but the most common is when two dental practices merge. This allows each practice to benefit from the strengths of the other and makes it possible for patients to be treated by several dentists in one location.
Additionally, dental clinics may purchase dental practitioners’ licenses or ownership interests in them, which gives them access to a more extensive patient base and more significant financial resources. And finally, private equity firms may invest money into existing dental practices to make a profit later on.
Tips for practice owners during a merger or acquisition
Handle communication with patients and staff
The most important thing during a merger or acquisition is to keep patients and staff informed of what is happening. Make sure you have a clear plan for how services will be delivered, and be open to any challenges.
Review contracts and understand their terms
You want to ensure that the merger or acquisition does not impact contracts with patients and suppliers, so review them carefully. Also, be aware of any changes that may need to be made to accommodate the new ownership structure.
Protect your intellectual property
Be sure to protect both your intellectual property (patents, trademarks, etc.) and customer data. If there is a dispute over who owns what rights, you will likely have more success arguing based on legal precedent than on sentimentality or friendship ties.
Keep up morale during the process
Keep your employees and team members well-informed about the merger or acquisition process, and be available to provide support. Make sure they know that they can come to you with any questions or concerns.